
3.2 File

3.2.1 Hide1    [ Strg + H ]

1 Java only - can be found in the Mac-Version in CharacterExChange -> Hide CharacterExChange (3.1.3)

Makes the application invisible without closing. No Data will be lost.

3.2.1 New2    [ Command + N ]

2 Mac Universal only

In this application, reading Data from documents is only a side-effect. Since almost all (Apple-)applications have this function, it was added to the Mac-Version.

Opens a new document without closing the old one. The old document migrates to the dock.

3.2.2 Open...    [ Strg + O ]  [ Command + O ]

Opens a dialogue Load... to choose a text-document. Only files with the suffix .txt are accepted (otherwise the hint only pure text-documents appears in the right text-field). The file's content overwrites the left text-field. After opening the file MyText.txt, the suggested name for saving is converted_MyText.txt .

